
Friday, 2 May 2014

Dark Spots Be (not really) Gone

I'm quite conflicted with this product. And by this product I'm referring to the Clinique Even Better Clinical Dark Spot Corrector. The Dark Spot Corrector is essentially a serum you apply in the morning and evening to reduce dark spots. Because of its exfoliating properties, you need to follow it with some SPF after applying it in the morning, as it will make you more sensitive to sunlight.

* A little note about me: I have oily to combination skin, redness near my t-zone, and a few scars left behind from past breakouts (cries in the corner)*

Now, I'm conflicted with this product because I like it for reasons other than it's intended purpose. For one thing, I love how its light, and is easily absorbed into the skin. But the main reason I dig this product is because it made my skin SO. FREAKEN. SMOOTH. Prior to using the serum I suffered a bit of flakiness around my cheek area, and after using it, those suckers were smoothened out. Also, I liked how it seemed to tighten my pores BUT...

I'm not wowed with its ability to lighten dark spots, at least for me. Maybe I had my hopes up too high? Maybe I didn't slap on enough? (The Clinique website suggested 2-3 pumps but there was no way my face needed that much!!) I did read reviews and saw before and after pics and saw the difference for those people who tried it and I guess I was hoping for a similar miracle to happen. For me, the miracle didn't happen and I'd say the difference was probably very slight (and I've finished the whole bottle!).

For the hefty price tag and all ($63!!!), I'm not so sure I would repurchase this serum. Maybe I will if other products fail, just to see if a second dosage would work better. That being said I guess I'm still on the hunt for a dark spot corrector. Maybe a little bit of Kate Somerville? Or maybe Caudalie's Vinoperfect?

I will keep you posted on my hunt!

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