
Monday, 10 February 2014

Fight the Frizz!

Let's face it. The winter months are dreadful for our hair. The wind, the snow, and the snoods/hoods/beanies (oh my!) are definitely taking a toll on our pretty little manes.

The frizz and dryness we experience in the cold weather is mainly due to the lack of moisture in the air. Dry cold air = less moisture = more frizz = absolute hair hell. So, the best way to combat the enemy is to add moisture back into your hair. Here are some products I use that hydrate, and lock in the moisture so my hair stays in tip top shape!


A good deep treatment will nourish the hair, giving it a drink of hydration. This Rainforest Moisture Hair Butter by the Body Shop is light enough to use all over, and won't weigh your hair down (remember, we want to moisturize, not weigh down). The natural oils will coat the hair, giving it the moisture it needs. Also, because there are no silicones, you're not being tricked into thinking your hair is smooth when in reality it isn't. Win!

Clean and Condition:

For cleansing I’m just using good old Tresemme Keratin Smooth and its conditioner. I find that because I am taking extra precaution with the moisturizing masks, oils, and styling products, I don’t need to over moisturize my hair when I wash it (I don’t want to get super oily). So I’ll just stick to my shampoo and conditioner du jour and move on to the next steps.


Repeat after me: "Oil is friend, not foe. Oil is friend, not foe." When people hear the word "oil," they automatically think heavy or greasy. But no fret not! Oils in this day and age have been formulated to skip on the grease, and when used correctly,  don't weigh the hair down at all. After towel drying my hair, I rub a dime sized amount of this Alterna hair oil, from my ends to mid-hair shaft on each side of my head (for reference, I have thick wavy medium to long hair). This will ensure that your roots stay de-greased. Alterna also make a lighter spray version of the oil for those with finer hair. The oil will keep your hair moisturized once it hits the brisk air! 


After waiting for my hair to partially dry, I blast it with my hair dryer for a few minutes, making sure not to over dry my hair. In any case, when you dry or style your hair with heat, it will inevitably lose some moisture. So after styling my hair, I use Bumble and Bumble’s Semisumo. This product is a great lightweight pomade that not only seals in my hairstyle (usually loose waves) but also protects it from losing moisture to the environment. Semisumo gives me shine and control, keeping my frizzies at bay.

So there you have it! I use these products every time I wash and style my hair (other than the mask, which I use once a week) and it seems to keep my hair in decent shape for the winter months. Eat that polar vortex.

1 comment :

  1. I'm so curious to try the Body Shop one!

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